Friday, April 18, 2008

Project 6

Over the period of my weather study, I found that the weather was generally mild in temperature. There was light precipitation, and a steady cloud cover. The wind came and went with the change of the temperature. The study was covered between March 26th and and April 16th and covered statistics from temperature and Barometric pressure, to wind direction and time of the record. The was one of the most consistent stats staying between 29 and 31 all the time...I think this was do to the steady overcast conditions. Perhaps the most erratic stat was that of the high/low temperatures. The study was lengthy but interesting since I pay little attention to the weather anyways.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

April Fool's-Project Three

On The 1st...we discussed "La Nina"(a cold water current in the Pacific Ocean) and the split jet stream. These two factors have been affecting the U.S.'s weather patterns for some time now. The forcast for April Fool's Day called for mild temperatures near 60 degrees for the day. Early that morning the temperature was around 60 degrees and, from there, dropped to near freezing temperatures. Lanslides fall into this scenerio because if the weather suddenly went from freezing to mild temeratures when snow was on the ground, the rapid melting would surely cause a horrible landslide.